QR-Code Generator on Facebook

The time has come - QR-Codes will be really in the wild in a few days.

As of today Facebook offered a QR-Code generator feature for each page. Below the page logo a link enabled the user to create a QR-Code image encoding the URI of the facebook page. It was also possible to download the QR code as PDF, but I was not able to try it.
The mentioned features were online for a few hours until they disappeared. But I assume QR-codes will be an integrated part of facebook in the very near future.

For Japanese people, insiders and interested people around the world QR-codes and their amazing capabilities (mobile tagging, mobile marketing, geotagging, ticketing, advertising, and so on) are well known. But for the broad public QR codes and their features are still miracles. This will change very very fast, facebook has a huge amount of users and the visibility of the QRCode generator feature is unbeatable.

Quite interesting how this story will develop. Feedback is welcome!

If you need QR-Codes with your personal data create them on www.tec-it.com: Free QR-Code Generator


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