New 2D Codes: Han Xin Code & DotCode

The More, the Better!

+TEC-IT extends its barcode products with the support of two new 2D symbologies. Both symbologies were officially released by the AIM, the association of automatic identification and mobility.

Han Xin Code Image
Han Xin Code

Han Xin Code

The first two-dimensional symbology is named Han Xin Code and was developed by AIM China.

The Han Xin Code is optimized to encode Chinese characters while still being able to encode ASCII and numeric data. Han Xin code is also sometimes known under its old, unofficial name Chinese Sensible.

Basic Han Xin Facts

  • The symbology is intended as the main two-dimensional (2D) symbology for applications and paper based communication in China.
  • Variable size, matrix symbology with square modules.
  • Square overall symbol shape (rectangular shapes are not possible).
  • 84 different symbol versions (sizes), ranging from 23x23 up to 189x189 modules.
  • Standard code page is Latin 1, the alternative code page for Chinese characters is GB18030.
  • Optimized to encode Chinese 2-byte and 4-byte characters.
  • The symbology encodes a maximum of 7827 numeric characters, 4350 ASCII characters, 3261 binary bytes, 2174 common Chinese characters from region 1 or region 2, 1739 2-byte Chinese characters or 1044 4-byte Chinese symbols.
  • 4 user selectable error correction levels ranging from L1 (8% error correction capacity) up to L4 (30%) are available.
  • Offers advanced features like octet byte encoding and ECI (Extended Channel Interpretation) support.
  • AIM publication date: August 2011.
  • The Han Xin code is in the public domain and free to use.
  • Strong similarities with QR code symbols.


DotCode Symbol
The second 2D symbology was invented by Dr. Andrew Longacre, Jr. and is named DotCode.

DotCode is targeting industrial applications and is not simply just another 2D symbology. It is a 2-D bar code designed and uniquely suited for high-speed, on-demand printing on labels or directly on products, by ink-jet and lasers as used in direct part marking (DPM) applications.

DotCode Images

DotCode Symbol
DotCode 15 lines
The sample symbols to the right all encode the URL The size of the symbol can be varied as required.

Basic DotCode facts

DotCode Symbol
DotCode 26 lines
  • The symbology is intended for industrial, high-speed marking with ink-jet or laser.
  • Variable size, dot matrix symbology. It encodes data in an array of nominally disconnected dots arranged within a regular grid of possible locations.
  • The overall symbol shape is adjustable, rectangular to nearly square shaped symbols are possible.
  • The symbol size is theoretically unlimited but practically limited to appr. 124 modules (lines/columns).
  • Standard code page is Latin 1.
  • Ready for GS1 applications and suitable for encoding application identifiers (AIs).
  • Advanced features like structured append and ECI (Extended Channel Interpretation) support are available.
  • 33% + 3 characters error correction capacity (not adjustable).
  • AIM publication date: November 2012 (update).
  • The DotCode is in the public domain, the symbology itself is free to use.
  • DotCode was designed to tolerate missing, extra or poorly-placed dots without sacrificing reading integrity.

Free Demo Download

The first software product with support for Han Xin and DotCode is the barcode generator component TBarCode SDK -  free demo download.

Other TEC-IT products will integrate these new 2-D symbologies within the next few weeks. Updates and new releases are planned for the
- label printing software TFORMer Designer V7,
- the barcode maker software Barcode Studio
- and the Microsoft Office barcode add-in TBarCode Office.

About TEC-IT

+TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH provides high quality software in the areas of automated data acquisition and data collection, bar-coding, barcode extensions for ERP systems, label and form printing, report generators and output management. TEC-IT products are available for all major platforms, thus customers benefit from complete and versatile software solutions for all possible requirements. The company is located in Austria / Europe and can be reached via All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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