
Showing posts from August, 2024

Scan-IT to Office 3.17.0 Makes Developers Happy

Updates in Scan-IT to Office 3.17.0: What’s New and Improved?  We’ve added new features 🆕 Developer Mode: (JavaScript action endpoints for customized Excel logic)  🔄 Backup/Restore:  Save and import your JavaScript action endpoints and settings  How to use Developer Mode JavaScript action endpoints under developer tools section  are used to customize the data acquisition logic when scanning data into Excel worksheets. With the help of JavaScript and the  Office-JS API  you are able to:  Insert data into specific worksheet fields, Check if a data entry is eligible for insertion,  Perform arbitrary lookups and validations Send feedback to the device, etc.  👇Our demo endpoints show examples of how inserts can be manipulated.  👇Here is how you can download sample Excel sheets: Note: The JavaScript action is triggered only if a matching action name (see "Supported Actions") is sent from the data entry form in the Scan-IT to Office...