QRCode Mobile Marketing in Austria

In Japan more or less every square-millimeter of space is covered with QR-Codes. Japanese companies are using the 2D codes for marketing purposes as well as for really useful applications (e.g. public transport schedules with ticketing possibilities).

In Austria this technology is arriving very tentatively. The printed version of an Austrian newspaper (www.derstandard.at) is publishing ads of an European car manufacturer (I think it is Renault or Peugeot). These ads contain a 2D code. When scanned with a mobile you will be forwarded to some stylish web-page. Maybe I am able to upload a picture in the near future.

Another example of "trying" out this technology is Austrian Airlines (now part of Lufthansa). They are giving away stickers (see picture) with some slogan and a QR-code. When decoding them you will be forwarded to the booking page.

I assume that this specific marketing campaign is just a test-run. The slogans are not bad, but they do not provide enough information what to expect. So I am wondering how many people are scanning these stickers. Austrian Airlines should think about a small hint (or better: a fare reduction) to attract more users of this technology.


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