Barcode Videos on Youtube - Update

Hello there!

This is an update regarding the available video playlists for barcode software from TEC-IT on YouTube.


Barcode Maker Software (English)


Five videos demonstrating how to create perfect barcodes with Barcode Studio.
  1. Create Perfect Barcodes Part 1: Barcode Studio User Interface
  2. Create Perfect Barcodes Part 2: EAN-128 with FNC1
  3. Create Perfect Barcodes Part 3: Data Import
  4. Create Perfect Barcodes Part 4: Bar Code Image Export
  5. Create Perfect Barcodes Part 5: Serial Number Generator

Barcode Label Printing Software (English)


Tutorial videos for the barcode label printing software TFORMer Designer.
  1. Barcode label printing with TFORMer Designer

Barcode Label Printing Software (German)


Tutorial videos for barcode label printing software TFORMer Designer.
  1. Barcode-Etikettendruck mit TFORMer Designer

Barcode Generator Component (English)


Tutorial videos for the bar code generator SDK TBarCode.
  1. Using Barcodes in Microsoft Office / Microsoft Word
  2. Creating Serial Letters with Barcodes

Please check out the TEC-IT Barcode Software channel on YouTube on a regular base. More videos are to be expected...


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