Video: Android Bluetooth SPP Connectivity for All Apps

TEC-IT released a short video on YouTube which demonstrates the use of the Bluetooth Reader GetBlue.

You will learn how to configure GetBlue in order to be used as Bluetooth software wedge. The Bluetooth barcode scanner must be paired with your Android handset, then it is adjusted as input device for GetBlue. As data-sink (the target application for the scanned data) the GetBlue Keyboard is selected. Using this configuration  it is possible to inject captured barcode scanner data as virtual user input into each application.

See for yourself:

GetBlue acts as "middleware" between hardware and apps. Thus, each (legacy) Bluetooth bar code scanner supporting the serial port profile can be used.

The video quality is satisfying - but far away from perfect. We will produce a HD video with sound in the near future. In the meantime we are awaiting your video comments!

Many thanks!

Video: How to use Bluetooth Barcode Scanners with Android


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