
Showing posts from March, 2011

How to use Microvision ROV Barcode Scanners with Android - Update!

Bluetooth Data Acquisition on Android Currently TEC-IT offers two Android apps for data acquisition with Bluetooth devices: GetBlue provides universal data acquisition and device communication with Bluetooth SPP, TCP and camera scanners. GetBlue communicates with serial Bluetooth devices (Serial Port Profile like SPP/RFCOMM barcode readers), TCP/IP devices and camera scanners. Captured data is displayed, saved (File, Google Docs), forwarded (HTTP, TCP) or injected as virtual keystrokes into Apps (GetBlue virtual keyboard). BluePiano extends all Apps with automated Bluetooth data acquisition. This new input method provides a Bluetooth-enabled soft-keyboard . This virtual keyboard captures data from Bluetooth SPP devices (serial port profile) and forwards the received data to input fields of arbitrary apps. Microvision ROV Bluetooth Scanners Problem: Some users are experiencing the following issue: once a bar code is scanned with the Microvision ROV barcode scanner the bar code ...