Your TEC-IT License, Serial or Activation Key Isn't Working?

Experiencing trouble licensing TEC-IT software after reinstalling or migrating the product? Read on!

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you solve this issue on your own.

Self-Service License Key Management 

This post shows you how to use the self-service license key/activation key management online service for the following TEC-IT software products:
Visit to recover, reactivate, reset or migrate activation keys for the above-mentioned TEC-IT software. This is especially helpful when moving licenses between computers, if you need to reactivate a product after reinstallation, or if the system ID of your computer changed after performing a factory reset or installing a new hard disk. The process is simple and usually completed within minutes, help by TEC-IT staff is not required.

How to Use

Enter the mail address used for purchasing the license (the license certificate was sent to this address) and at least one of the following values: activation key, name of the licensee or invoice number. Please make sure to provide the requested values exactly as specified by TEC-IT.

If matching activation keys are found, you receive a report via mail. Reactivate the appropriate key by clicking the corresponding link in this mail.

If reactivation is not available, in case of problems or for any other questions please get in touch with


This activation key management service is exclusively intended for legal owners of TEC-IT software licenses. 

Copyright © TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH, Austria


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